miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2008

History of Ballet Folklorico Orizaba

The ballet folkloric orizaba , you is founded in the year 1970, their current director is the teacher Erasto Gómez Santa Rosa who has printed him the grateful quality from the group to national level. the group has had numerous presentations along its existence, so much in the main tv channels, like in the main scenarios of the country (Mexico). In 1972 obtained a medal of gold for it makes a choreography her of the Concheros in the World Festival of Folklore taken place in guadalajara, Jalisco In 2008 Zywiec, Poland. - For the showy of the wardrobe, the quality of the musical accompaniment and for the wonderful dance of Quetzals, the Folkloric Ballet of Orizaba obtained first three places during the First Festival of Dance taken place in this Pole. The folkloric balet of Orizaba has been the first Mexican group in this festival in having obtained a place little by little its trajectory and quality you this making present at international level, representing with great quality and pride to Mexico.

1 comentario:


Hola muchachos.
Espero que cuando lean este comentario se acuerden de mi y de mi grupo.
Comparti con ustedes en el campamento juvenil CIOFF Colombia, y la verdad me siento muy contenta de haberlos conocido.

Tanto a mi como a mis compañeros(Ana Maria, Estefan y Edisson)nos parecio magnifico su trabajo.
Esperamos verlos de nuevo muy pronto y recuerden que en Colombia siempre seran bienvenidos.

Bailarina de la compañia de danza TUSUY KUNKI.